Food & School

Have you very wondered if your grades in school had anything to do with your hunger?  These statistics can start to from very young, as early as one’s childhood.  In Fairfax County there is a youth survey that is conducted annually for all of the students in sixth, eighth, tenth and twelfth grade.  The survey includes questions that asked students questions such as, “How many times has one gone hungry in the past 30 days?

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Most of these teens affected in these Fairfax schools are Hispanic and/or African American, and live in single-parent homes. Kids not getting the necessary nutrition is only part of the problem. According to, the U.S. Census ACS 2006-2008 found that about 13 percent of people in Northern Virginia are at risk of hunger, and 1 in 6 children in Northern Virginia were at risk of hunger.

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The bigger problem that we are faced with when looking at hunger is that it is an issue that directly affects education. A student’s hunger has been correlated with skipping school and lower grades. According to the Nutrition Cognition Initiative, continuous low nutritional intake affects factors such as motivation and attentiveness, which can have a negative effect on developmental processes such as learning and students attain lower scores on standardized achievement tests.   The Fairfax County Youth Survey not only asks the question of if they have gone hungry in the past 30 days, but it also surveys the grades that they have gotten and how many days of school they have missed or skipped.

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When looking at the surveys conducted in the past few years, there is no question about whether food is important not only for our daily consumption, but also for that push needed to succeed and experience education to the fullest.

Screen Shot 2013-04-30 at 12.24.06 AMOfcourse we wanted to put the facts with real life scenarios so we visited Oakton Elementary School here in Fairfax. I was able to meet up with a second grade student named Charlie whom I share a close bond with him as well as his parents, due to previously baby-siting as well as tutoring. Charlie said that he really enjoys lunchtime and at times his moms packs his lunches and snacks for him regularly. His grades show that his food consumtion as well as his academics have a correlation with one another. As of today he is still doing good in most of his classes getting A’s and B’s, he also reads at a third grade level.Charlies friend Alex on the other hand is not doing so well in school. Alex is Charlies neighbor and his best friend; Charlie is Caucasian as Alex is Hispanic. They are both different in the sense that Alex cares more about playing and does not stress enough in school or eating. To alex he does not have time for anything that is not fun and eating is not important. When comparing their grades, attendance, and their nutrition you can truly see the difference.






Editor: Jennifer Garcia

Multimedia: Katie Pappas

Community Manager: Attie Pearsall

Data Journalist: Asya Rojas

Collaborative Journalism

In the world we live in today stories are waiting to be found, but you have to be quick because nowadays everyone can be a journalist with all the media thrown out at once.

Collaborative Journalism is not just about finding a story and writing about it, it takes effort. By being able to use these 3 simple steps into our everyday writing, one can find how a good story can turn out to be an amazing memorable one.

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Social Media is always the perfect way to find some breaking news, or even establish your own name as a journalist. This lecture taught not only how to be effective journalist but to also be organized and manage different steps as in community management, where one would find pictures, video, audio and other writings that are relevant.

As a journalist acquire all the data possible and then to top it all off don’t forget multimedia, because that can tell a story of its own.

Everyone has different ideas on how to be a good journalist, Mark Briggs is a journalist and has written books on how to be just that. Here is an interview found on youtube with Briggs talking about his new book and going into further details.


Media Pyramid




Everyone knows about food pyramids but how about Media Pyramids? People consume media on a daily basis the same way one intakes nutrients from food.  I am a junior at GMU majoring in Communications, and learning about the world around me is a must. Starting off my day with the morning news on CNN, to switching to E! News to learn about entertainment. Social Media is one of the biggest blocks in my personal pyramid, because here is where I learn not only what is going on locally, but also what is trending. Social Media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are so easily accessible that there really is not a time frame in which people such as myself go on, because I would have them on the go 24/7.

Media is everywhere, from our own homes, to the car, to even local stores. Media is evolving everyday. When I wake up first thing that I would do is get on Facebook, turn on the television. Minutes or hours later I would get in my car and turn on the radio as I drive to school or any other place I might have to go to that day. Even when I am on campus or in stores, looking around, I can see newspapers or ads in which I could still be aware of what is happening around the world.  Media is such an important factor in my opining, for it pertains to every single one of us.

Wake Up To Something New

GMU Fairfax 01/29

George Mason University; Fairfax 01/29

Is the world coming to an end? To most people this January has been full of climate surprises. From waking up one morning to the news saying “Schools closed due to icy roads and cold weather,” and having sunny skies and 70 degree weather the very next day.

These climate changes could be the cause to so many people catching the flu, or any other sicknesses. However most students on the GMU campus are not complaining, “We could definitely use a nice day every once in a while, spring is here.”A student said while walking to his next class. But do not get so used to it, considering that by tomorrow there is said to be a low 43 degrees on the way. Get ready to bundle up, and enjoy the last few hours of today.

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